A few pix. of my bandsawmill and one of the homemade circular sawmill I made that got junked in the big blowout with the county when we had to move! --still miss the big guy 40" ip blade, --- (did manage to save the blade,) mill was pto drive made with a kit from Belsaw ---- model M-14 unit and I lengthened a 3-ton truck frame to 30' and could actually cut 32' if I put the logs just right. I mostly am interested in small short stuff and you can get some great pieces from short logs. Long boards have to be cut anyway---so make short ones to start with! lol! --- this is for my use mostly and a few friends come get some short stuff and make some nice pieces out of it. Now I need to make a short log holder for the bandmill. --- could use ideas for that too!
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."