I clicked on your link and it opened this page! -- What the hell is mixed up! -- My computer is messed up too,--MS has got everything screwed up with that stupid You Tube music. MS ownes you tube from what virginia found out and they are installing some crap in windows that is not working!
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."
you need to check your computer firewall settings Sonny..no one should have permissions to install anything on your computer other than you,or without a pop-up permission window
Bunk,---this computer is so old it came over on the Mayflower, so doubt it has much in it! Damn Microsoft UPDATES,--or ATTEMPTED updates now have it so messed up it barely comes on and runs. Some stupid you tube boxes come up all the time and WAAM black boxes come up and your locked til they go away. --last night some stupid third world music started up after another failed update and since microsoft OWNS the world, aint nuttin I can to to fight them! --- I have never given anybody permission to install anything but microsoft itself is trying to install you tube music shit on my computer and I blocked it and now everything is messed up! ----- open to suggestions!!!
Jim, I didnt go to the ubb forum,---I went directly to the help desk on the other side of their site,-- gotta dig thru the list to find it .,--- guess they do the tickets from there and should have given you one and replied to it also. their forum is of no help to anybody from what I can tell! I copied/pasted the reply they sent me and pm'd it to you so you can see exactly what it said.
Stan can I have some fresh bacon???? WOW! I would have that sucker in my freezer in a flash! That bear looks like the one I hit with Virginias car down in southern Illinois one night! Black bear? --they are like hittin a concrete wall!!
Last edited by sonny; 01/16/202301:22 PM.
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."
Yep black bear. We have several roaming around and no season on them. Hope they open a season so someone can take a few. The pigs are plentiful and open season anytime day or night, any weapon, no liscense, no limit, take all you want. We have a small hunting cabin there and we get visitors to that as well.
You might make me do it, but you can't make me like it.
Sonny, I posted the tickets directly Not via the forums. the forums are just people shooting the breeze. I sent them an email as well. Had give the website & all that stuff so I don't know...
I know a lot about a lot of things BUT I still have a lot to learn. Life is what you make of it. So, why not make a working machine to make it easier.
Bunk,---this computer is so old it came over on the Mayflower
yup I used to be that way, I run old Dell Optiplex 780 desktops running bootleg Windows 7 Pro, they run like swiss watches..I havent had any YouTube issues or software patches taking place..funny..I have another Dell Optiplex 980 in a travel 19"rack server we take out on the road with a PA system and it gets update every once in awhile..it says "Do not turn off your computer" when we shut it down..when it's connected to the open net over Cat5 cable. Its like they can see the PC over the net and force software changes on you..so far no issues with that one,but we are on point thanks to your alert..thanks
There's a couple videos on YT of hog hunts in Texas..helicopter chasing hogs with full-auto MGs out the side door, tearing 'em up..wonder what that costs per hour?
This one is a Dell optiplex 755 model, runnin Windows 10,--- been a good unit til microsoft started f**kin with it again! Most people HATE win.10 but I have been able to figure out a lot of it by trial/error and do most of what I want to with it.
Jim, I dont know either why they didnt answer your email, ---unless they didnt get it, OR lost it,---maybe I just got lucky and caught somebody loafing around and he decided to answer.
Bunk,--- ya expensive bacon BUT still probably cheaper than store! PLUS the fun of flying, which I want to do before I die! lol!
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."
Ya ,--I dont o.k. anything on mine,---they just lock it up and do their crap, then I gotta try to sort out the stuff they mess up,--never have anything important on your computers!
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."
I'm Not worried about MY pictures to be Honest. I prefer to just use Flickr because I have a pro account. My phone automatically sends the pics to Flickr and I find it much easier to cut & paste the link without doing all the resizing stuff. I'm trying to get the email notification issues fixed. Am I the only one that doesn't get notifications? The board isn't generating them for anything from what I can see. I turned email verification back on for now.
I know a lot about a lot of things BUT I still have a lot to learn. Life is what you make of it. So, why not make a working machine to make it easier.