Jim suggested Flickr, I like it because you can choose the size of pic you want. I have a year of photobucket, but no size choice there. It comes up as one size only, I don't care for that. Don't know of other sites, or their policies so maybe others will make more suggestions!
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."
I use Photobucket. Easy to copy the links. They did hijack all my pics a few years ago and try to charge a boat load to use them. The went back to being free with a watermark.
Photo from Flickr - On Flickr hit Share on the pic then hit BB code, copy and paste the link.
https://flic.kr/p/2fsGYf4 I cant make this work for some reason...I can copy paste the link. Dont see a bb code in the share...trying to do this off my phone too.
[img]http://https://flic.kr/p/2fsGYf4[/img] First thing I noticed is the link did not highlight when i copied it
See what happens this is a bit tricky using on screen keyboard and no mouse. The BB code is pretty reliable and ultra universal. But it can be tricky for some, I had a devil of a time On AF getting avatar that were gif files to work but I finally got Virginias angel wings to move. This is a new board with fresh settings. It might take a little time to figure it all out, it will work, i have confidence in the Admin and the software. Its got to have better updates than what i'm used to from 10 years ago. Administrators have to be careful working with settings because users get upset when their posts get moved or edited, they think there being censored. Not the case ever, but feathers get ruffled anyway.
So,,,,,, let me play with this strickly from a lowest level user point of view, and thats the way i like it😎
Forgive me if im overstepping i dont want to do that
I'll be darned, that picture was loaded right from my camera, i cant believe it worked. I like this software version. And the full editor allows 5 files to load at a time
Last edited by Fshook; 04/07/201909:06 PM. Reason: Add information
All I see is the truck pic. on the computer! Goes to p-bucket and opens only the pic, no others! ---Franks picture enlarges when I click on it! ---- Top test pic. is on Flickr and is a smokin kitty! --- looks like a grader, possible a 56 #12?
Last edited by sonny; 04/07/201910:43 PM.
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."
I quit using photobucket went they high jacked my pictures and wanted to charge for them...but Able to recover the account... dont think there was anything embarrassing on there...but never know. I thought they be bit more private then that. But I've pic on Facebook I leave public so I guess it dont matter. That old cat grader believe it a model 11 from the thirties with 3 cylinder diesel. Saturday I helped friend put it together for chapter 3 cat collectors club thingy. It came in a 9 am as a frame and transmission was on three pallets by 6pm jon and I were driving it around
I tried using the iphone flickr app and you are right, it does not let you choose what kind of link, it does not offer the BBCode option.
On a desktop, when I open the link and use the bent arrow "share" button in the bottom right, there are 4 tabs across the top, "Share","Embed","Email", and "BBCode". The first tab gives the link you used. The last tab "BBCode" gives the one I used which is a clickable picture. Clicking on the picture opens the same web page as your link.
{url=https://flic.kr/p/2fsGYf4}{img}https://live.staticflickr.com/7818/47559909871_51a6a5e63e_m.jpg{/img}{/url} Using curly brackets instead of square so you can see the code, the url part of the link is the same as your link. The stuff after img refers to an actual picture file on the flickr servers that ends in .jpg so that it works as an image link, but I don't know of any way to get that using a phone.
That grader would have the same 3 cylinder engine in it that my 2 old RD-6 crawlers had!! WOW! neat!---- one of my 6's was a 34 and the other was a 36. --- the engines sound kinda weird when they are running!
"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."
This one is classic... Facebook talked 1.5 million users into supplying their email passwords! As stupid as that was for users to reveal, Facebook immediately used those passwords and uploaded the contacts list from everybody's email account, with no possible option to opt out. Facebook now swears it is deleting the unauthorized data slurp... Yeah right!Sure they are... Never have been, NEVER will be a Facebook member! Doc