Okay....I'd take pictures, but it would just look like a couple of squids fighting. I have the small divider right in front of the valve for fwd & bkwd &steering valve. 5 gpm may be fine for steering, but I think a 200 year old Galapagos Tortoise could beat me down the alley now. The loader valve is a little jumpy but with a light touch it is okay. I found out that one of the hoses coming from the geared divider needs replaced, like last winter. So that will be a trip to the hose shop. Apparently the machine needs the valve on the floor for foot control of speed and direction with a direct line to the geared divider so that it will get the 10gpm feed it needs to get out of its own way. I will check the temp at the pump later today. I just had it running for a good long while, and the output, at the pump, was 54*. I take that to mean the the geared divider originally on the machine was failing some how. I will take it apart for inspection when I take the original pump apart as well. Now for the $64,000 question: If I use the 2 circuit valve for 1 circuit should I just plug the unused circuit or would it be better to loop those outlets together with a steel line...there shouldn't be any flow required from that circuit, either option would be just to keep dirt and rainwater from getting in there.

bunkclimber...I will try switching stuff around as soon as I get the correct fittings, and figure out where the divider can go.