Originally Posted by Kevin Werner
Now for the $64,000 question: If I use the 2 circuit valve for 1 circuit should I just plug the unused circuit or would it be better to loop those outlets together with a steel line...there shouldn't be any flow required from that circuit, either option would be just to keep dirt and rainwater from getting in there.

By two circuit I am assuming you mean a two spool valve (which means that it has two handles and four work ports). If that is the case, just plug the two ports you are not using. You could also take the handle off. If you do hit it and it's plugged it will go to the relief pressure and then relieve. It won't hurt anything, but you wouldn't want to dead head it continiously. If you leave them open you would make a heck of a hydraulic fluid sprinkler eventually. Your favorite store Surplis center sells the plugs that you will need. Look at the specs on your valve and it will show the proper threads to match the plug to.

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