Haven't done much lately except putting the flow restrictors in the travel and direction valve. I only had 2 and need to make up 2 more. I've been kind of busy with appointments. Dentist pulled a tooth (only 1 wisdom tooth left! no wonder I feel so stupid lately) Neurologist prescribed a new med, a dud I might add. Bad side effects. And a new cardiologist who also prescribed 2 new meds for the heart, and diagnosed or suggested a diagnosis that I have managed to damage the part of my brain that controls swallowing and a bunch of other stuff. Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins or UPMC. Any one here have experience with any of them re neurological problems??? Oh yeah, and the Coupe de Gras...wife's car will not pass inspection as it is too rusted in both the rear suspension cradle and the rocker panels on both sides. Dumped a cup of coffee on 3 month old lap top and now can't get in to new laptop as the simple password I chose has been deleted from my (damaged) brain!

I did get what I need to make the 2 more flow restrictors. I will let you all know that works out. Jim, the longer handle idea may save this mess yet!