Ya!--kinda makes up for the junk sthil 251 I paid a ton for and it IS totally junk, so these deals even out the bigger picture. Consignment auctions are a BIG risk! ---- so far we have done o.k. on the over all and I have limits on how much I think stuff is worth to me.
On the last 2 sales, I got a 2,500 gallon upright water storage tank and I figured on going to $150--$175 on it ---got the damn thing for $1. , so ya NEVER know! Last one I got the 1,500 gallon upright tank for $85----figured on going to $125. so you have to look and have the numbers in your head before they get to the items you are wanting/needing/cant live without!! LOL!!!
Looking at the next auction on the 18'th ,---internet only on this one,---got bids on several things, also neighbor wants us to bid some stuff in for him,--him not internet savy! lol!!---anyway it gets interesting. Neighbor and I went down and looked stuff over on Tuesday so we have an idea what we are bidding on for sure.
6:08 pm 1/12/23

"A machine you build yourself is a vote for a different way of life. There are things you have to earn with your hands."