Holy moly, how many pounds of air are you driving your air hammer with Terry? It's supposed to jar the rust, not beat the crap out of it.

I almost lost a finger once using unregulated air on a 16d nailer. Guess I was about 19 at time. Working plant maintenance in one of very first modular housing plants. They were kind of chinsy until they actually sold a few houses. Repair bench didn't have an air regulator. Took front off nailer and "thought" i had cleared the ram track of any obstructions. Reassembled it and hooked it to air line. We had THREE 25 hp compressors feeding the plant (because some dummy thought air pallets would be a great way to move the houses.... not thinking of all the nails laying around to rip the badders.) Anyway, my air tap seldom dipped below 140 psi. Hooked air to nailer, pointed it at a sheet of plywood and pulled trigger.
The obstruction I didn't see deflected the spring steel ram backwards throuch a narrow gap and wrapped it neatly around my trigger finger. Could just as easily gone through it without stalling.
I looked at it a moment just thinking about it. Unplugged gun and walked over to boss and said "I want a regulator!" as I showed him the ram wrapped around my finger..... I got my regulator.

Last edited by Doc; 03/11/2019 10:16 PM.

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